EV Charger Installation in Kent

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What is an EV charger?

An EV charger, or Electric Vehicle charger, is a device that supplies electrical energy to recharge electric vehicles. Such as electric cars and plug-in hybrids. They range from basic, slow-charging Level 1 chargers to quick-charging Level 3 chargers.

Chargers can be installed in homes, public car parks, and commercial spaces. This infrastructure ensures that electric vehicle batteries are charged and ready for use.

Why do you need an EV charger?

An EV charger is crucial for electric car owners. It offers more convenience and efficiency than standard outlets. Charging at home with a dedicated EV charger is much faster. This allows for quicker daily use.

It offers safety and smart charging features. Scheduled charging during off-peak hours can save costs and reduce environmental impact. We offer EV Charger installation in Kent.

What should you think about when installing an EV charger?

When installing an EV charger in Kent, consider the charger level that fits your needs. Level 2 chargers are most common for home use. Assess the electrical capacity of your home to ensure it can support the charger.

Think about the charger’s location for practical access and safety. Check local regulations and permits. Explore incentives to offset installation costs.

How to get an EV charger installed in Kent

Installing an EV charger at your Kent home with Solis Green Solutions is easy. Firstly, fill out the online enquiry form to express your interest. A representative will contact you to discuss your needs. They will schedule a no-obligation site survey.

A technician will assess your property’s electrical system during the survey. They will determine the best charger type and installation plan. After the survey, you’ll receive a detailed quote. If you’re happy to proceed, you can book an installation date that suits you.

Solis Green Solutions’ certified electricians will install efficiently. They minimise disruption to your routine. Once installed, they will guide you on using and maintaining your new EV charger. This helps you start your green driving journey without any hassle.

Common EV Charging Installation FAQ’s

Choosing the right EV charger for your needs

Consider a few things when installing an electric vehicle (EV) charger in Kent. One of the most important factors is choosing the right level of charger that fits your needs.

There are three main levels of EV chargers: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3.

  • Level 1 chargers are the slowest. They are basic and take 8-20 hours to fully charge an EV, depending on the battery size. These chargers use a standard household outlet and can be easily installed at home.
  • Level 2 chargers, on the other hand, are the most common for home use. They need a special charging unit and offer faster charging than Level 1 chargers. Depending on the EV and its battery capacity, Level 2 chargers can fully charge an EV within 4-8 hours.
  • Level 3 chargers, also known as DC fast chargers, are the fastest type of charger available for public use. The chargers can charge an EV to 80% in 30 minutes. They are perfect for long trips. They are more expensive and need specialist equipment. They are not commonly used for home installations.

Assessing your home’s electrical capacity

Assess your home’s electrical capacity before installing a Level 2 charger. Insure your home supports the charger without causing electrical issues.

Consult an electrician to check your home’s wiring and electrical panel. Determine its capacity. Know your home’s electrical service amperage; Level 2 chargers need a 240-volt circuit.

Location of your EV charger

Consider both charger level and EV charger location for practical access and safety. Install it in a convenient spot, with enough space for your vehicle to maneuver.

It’s also important to consider safety when choosing the location. Make sure the charger is away from potential hazards, such as water sources or high traffic areas. Consider installing a mounting unit to secure the charger. This will prevent accidents.

Checking local regulations and permits

Check local authorities for regulations before installing an EV charger. Make sure you have any necessary permits. Specific guidelines exist in certain areas for EV charging installations. Non-compliance may result in fines or fees.

Some homeowners’ associations or building codes may restrict EV charger installation locations. It’s important to do your research beforehand to avoid any issues down the line.

Exploring incentives for installation

Lastly, it’s worth exploring any incentives available for installing an EV charger. Government offer grants for EV charging installation in Kent. This helps offset costs.

Consider buying a charger that qualifies for these incentives. Such chargers may have specific requirements. Do some research and see if you can take advantage of any incentives before making your final decision on an EV charger.