Air Source Heat Pump

Air Source Heat Pumps in Kent

Solis Green Solutions can provide a range of air source heat pumps that can replace your boiler or legacy home heating system
See below to find out more about the heat pumps we can provide

Find out more

What is an air source heat pump?

An air source heat pump (ASHP) is a system that transfers heat from outside to inside a building. Even vice versa, to provide heating or cooling. It acts like a refrigerator, removing heat from outdoor air. This process raises the temperature using a heat exchanger.

This heat is then used to warm up the indoor space or water supply. ASHPs are efficient and sustainable, using less electricity than traditional systems. They are an eco-friendly option for heating and cooling homes or businesses.

Air Source Heat Pump

Do air source heat pumps work in cold weather in the UK?

ASHPs are efficient in the UK’s varied climate. They operate effectively in cold weather. They extract heat from the outside air to warm homes, utilising a small amount of electricity.

Modern ASHPs can function at temperatures as low as -15°C, although their efficiency may decrease with colder temperatures. ASHPs in the UK offer energy-efficient heating to reduce carbon footprints.

Advantages of an air source heat pump in Kent?

Air source heat pumps in Kent are cost-efficient and eco-friendly. They offer a sustainable option to traditional heating by extracting heat from the outside air. This works even in cold temperatures.

This process reduces energy use, lowering utility bills and CO2 emissions. The UK government’s RHI scheme offers Kent residents financial incentives. This helps make the initial investment more manageable.

How to Get Air Source Heat Pump Installation in Kent

At Solis Green Solutions, we are committed to providing a seamless and efficient process for the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps in Kent. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to proceed. We answer frequently asked questions and advice on navigating government grants.

  • Step 1: Initial Consultation

Start by contacting us via our website or phone. We’ll schedule an initial meeting to talk about your needs. We’ll also consider whether your property is suitable for an ASHP. Share any specific requirements you have.

  • Step 2: Site Survey

Our experienced technicians will conduct a comprehensive site survey. Assess the installation site to customise the system according to property requirements.

  • Step 3: Quotation & Design

We will provide a detailed quotation and a custom system design based on the survey. The design aims to maximise efficiency and meet your heating and cooling needs.

  • Step 4: Installation

Our certified installers will install with minimal disruption. Upon agreement, this will happen. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and quality of our work.

  • Step 5: Aftercare Support

We provide strong support after installation. This includes maintenance tips and troubleshooting advice. Our goal is to ensure your ASHP system runs efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does installation take?

Typically, an ASHP system takes 1-2 days to install, depending on the complexity of your setup.

Is my property suitable?

Most properties are suitable for ASHPs. Properties with good insulation and space for the outdoor unit benefit the most.

Can I finance my ASHP?

Yes, numerous financing options are available, and we can guide you through these.

Government Grants and Incentives

Each property can receive one grant starting April 1, 2024. The grant eligibility is subject to future changes. Current grants offer £7,500 for air source heat pump installation. The same amount is available for ground source heat pumps, water, and shared ground loop systems.

Additionally, a £5,000 grant is offered for the installation of a biomass boiler. Hybrid heat pump systems, such as a gas boiler paired with an air source heat pump, do not have available grants.

The system must meet certain efficiency standards. Your installer can help with this. The system must have a maximum capacity of less than 45kWth to qualify. Systems exceeding this capacity are ineligible.